And Here is the Winning Doodle!

Last week, the lovely and talented Kid Lit Reviews won my second Win a Doodle Contest. So she gets a doodle on the subject of her choice.

Kid Lit, who, it turns out, is a devoted animal rights activist, gave me her request:

How about a Great Dane standing guard over a few dogs that are behind him? The Dane is the rescuer and has rescued these other dogs from the mean streets and bad homes and now refuses to let anyone else harm them.

Okee doke, Kid Lit; your wish is my command.

great dane the protector

58 Replies to “And Here is the Winning Doodle!”

      1. Oh…. 😛 😉 The blogs aren’t even launched. Not even TOUCHed all this time. Lots of work on submissions (and interruptions, per usual). They must come first 😀

  1. Mike,

    The “doodle” as you incorrectly call it, is a wonderful drawing. I cannot await to get it framed – unless that is included? No? Ah gee, I didn’t think so, but I am thrilled to have won. This art, yes I said art, will hang on the wall of my new writing room. Until then, it will hang on the wall of my old writing room. If you draw another, say I win again, I’ll find a writing room with two walls.

    Thanks Mike. The Dane is great! My cats ran and hid when I showed them your work. What a bonus, a way to get them out of the room. Well, done!

    1. Ah! The comment I’ve been waiting for! I’m so glad you like it, Sue. And I’m delighted that this doodle will hold a place of honor in your writing room. Here’s hoping it will soon be crowded out by dozens of framed book contracts.

  2. Wow, that’s a fabulous drawing Mike! I love the expressions on the faces, and the sheer size of the Dane is impressive. There’s something very regal and powerful about him. Great job…now about that next contest, you know, the one where I win one of your doodles…

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