We Have a Cover!

Hey, the shameless self-promotion had to begin eventually.

I am delighted to announce some news about my forthcoming book, Sarah Gives Thanks. First off, the fine folks at Albert Whitman and Company have given me the go-ahead to show off the cover – and it’s a peach, isn’t it?

The illustrator, David Gardner, is based out of New Mexico and has quite a few impressive jobs to his credit, ranging from a picture book about Harvey Milk (and a more unusual picture book subject there never was) to promotional art featuring the Trix Rabbit. In other words, the guy’s got quite a range.

Check out his website. There are no Sarah Hale illustrations on his gallery yet, but what’s there is pretty nifty.

Also, a release date has been set! On September 1, my book will hit store shelves. Mark your calendars. Camp outside of your neighborhood Barnes & Noble to buy a copy. I’ll be happy to sign it.  Or, if you prefer, camp out next to your laptop and buy the e-book and I’ll sign your Kindle.

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